Forum Discussion

Army11Bravo's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving to Veterans

I want to wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving, especially my veteran friends!

  • Army11Bravo, that almost brought a tear to my eyes. I remember those packages fondly. Some were good and some were really bad, pending on how hungry you were. And the same type wasn't always good the next time.

    Bigblocktank: Couldn't agree with you more. Memories of coming home weren't always so grand. It was great to be out of that hell hole,, but even a nod would have been better that spat upon.

    Happy thanksgiving all.
  • I've had C rats, K rats, and MRE's. I hope that everybody had a good Thanksgiving. I am classified as a Vietnam era Veteran, wasn't in country. Time of enlistment was deciding factor.

    Those that did go, thanks for the service. Right after I enlisted, while VN was still going on, I was spit on in uniform in my home state. And, I had to be a professional about it and keep walking. Times were a lot different than those the kids today have. But......and I mean a big's about time this country woke up and realized the sacrifices that every military member makes. I'm just an old USAF puke that painted and did sheet metal on the airplanes. Some rough times, but not like what some had to endure.

    Heart felt thanks to all those that did!!!!
  • Wishing a safe and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and especially those in harm's way. As a vet, I really appreciate the sacrifice made by all current and past service men and women.

    Be safe!!
  • Army11Bravo wrote:
    I want to wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving, especially my veteran friends!

    Back at you and may our military be protected wherever they are.
  • Forty seven years ago this week I was at Duc Pho, Vietnam. Our job was combat salvage and we were trying to get a stranded LST off the beach. Had her off by December 1St. Towed her to Danang to patch her up a little before towing her to Subic Bay. We did get a Thanksgiving meal tough we ate in shifts.
  • I never had to eat C rations at Thanksgiving, but I did get to some '42 vintage in '58. "42 must have been a good year for them.
    My heart and my thanks goes out to those stationed in the worlds trash dumps keeping the bad guys occupied.