campn4walleye wrote:
Another question:
I just realized that my roast is 2.5# and the recipe calls for a 4#. Do I cut the time in half? If that is the case, do I put the potatoes in at the same time in the beginning of cooking? I want them nice and brown and crispy outside and soft in the center.
Okay, that was 2 questions.
It depends on whether you shelter the pot from wind or not. I would put potatoes in at the beginning.
Bake for 3/4 of the time allowed in the 4 lb recipe. The potatoes can always be crisped up afterward in the bottom of the DO after you remove the roast if they aren't close enough to the lid for crisping.
After the time's done, check the roast with a fork for tenderness. You can remove the potatoes then.