Mocoondo wrote:
WoodGlue wrote:
What do you do if a dish, say a frozen meal, calls for you to bake it on a cookie sheet?
If a meal calls for baking it on a cookie sheet?
Well, you would place the frozen meal on a cookie sheet as instructed. I suppose if you wanted to place your frozen meal on the pizza stone, you could, but then you are not following the instructions because it says to place the frozen meal on a cookie sheet, not a pizza stone.
A pizza stone is not supposed to just be placed in the oven and left there with no function. It is designed to be cooked on in this fashion:
Placing it at the bottom of the oven with nothing on it, or placing a baking sheet on top of the pizza stone would not be correct usage.
You are correct. Your food is supposed to cooked directly on the stone. If you are putting a frozen meal (or a wet container) put it on a cookie sheet on the stone.
All that said - if you are using unglazed quarry tile PLEASE MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT CONTAIN LEAD if you plan to cook pizza or bread directly on it! A lot of the quarry tile contains lead which will poison you.
A pizza stone that is made for pizza/bread/etc. will be lead free.