Super_Dave wrote:
NYCgrrl wrote:
So the Force is with you even in freezing weather:C
NYC, yesterday was cheat day on the diet. Lol!
Uhmmmmmmmm I had a half of "mini" slice of a meat + spinach lasagne for breakfast today. Followed by same for lunch and dinner.
Sounds like a heck of a lotta carbs to me....oops;):B
Life happens with stuff included.
mowin, SD, and magnus- the answer is NOOOOOO!
Not surprised but still sighing sortakinda. Where I live now (in the middle of Manhattan)grilling/ BBQing/smoking is allowed in the local park only 2-3 unofficial days a year: Labor, Memorial and Independence Day and I'm rarely here to give my Webers a whirl on those dates.
Sooooooooooo until I get on the road it'll be outta here far away from these maddening crowds. I get why but well sniffles.
Err but what kind of smoker do you use, Super Dave? Right now I smoke on a Weber but gosh it require a lot of mods and not as much smoke flav as I'd like at times.