Forum Discussion

prstlk's avatar
May 20, 2015

Weight Watchers on the RV Road

I would love to have any recipes that are Weight Watcher friendly from you.

Eating out too much has been bad for us so we are trying to get back on a Weight Watcher friendly menu.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to respond!
  • WW keeps their recipes simple and so most WW recipes can be adapted to RV living. I have a friend who does WW and he says their website is very easy to use for that purpose. He can even enter the ingredients he has on hand and their recipe archive pulls up all their recipes that use those ingredients along with the points of each serving. He has to pay for the service but he says it's worth it. Here's the link

    Another option is to pick up a WW recipe book. Most of them are available at now
    Weight Watchers Cookbooks
  • Use Google. If you type "weightwatchers recipe" then the main ingredient you will get tons.

    Weightwatchers recipe cabbage for instance.
  • I started this thread a long time ago and people have periodically added to it. It is old enough that some of the recipes are early WW and some are the new points system while some just have calorie counts etc. There are a variety of recipes here all of which have been tried and tested.

    WW Thread