Forum Discussion

Hitch_Itch's avatar
Jul 30, 2017

2017 Forest River Sandpiper 377FLIK wiring diagram

I have been looking unsuccessfully for the wiring diagram
anyone know where I can find it?
looking for the factory cable/satellite wiring

  • I just bought this Sandpiper 377FLIK, The sat hookups are different then my Keystone Cougar.
    The cougar had only one satellite jack and one cable jack outside. This one has one cable jack and Sat front, Sat Main, Sat rear.
    Sounds pretty self explanatory.
    I only have one coax jack inside at each tv location, living room, Kitchen, Bedroom. I also cannot find the OTA booster anywhere, This one has one of those little round antennas, King Brand I think.
    I would have thought there would be one cable and one satellite jack inside at each location.
    This is why Im trying to find out how they wired it
  • Hitch Itch wrote:
    they dont have one. OMG, such a lie, every camper would be wired differently depending on the guy wiring each unit.
    Im bringing home the camper home today.

    They don't have one. At least not in the sense your thinking of one. They have a list showing all items that need either 12VDC or 120VAC in the unit. How the person gets the wiring to that location is subject to change however there are only so many places to run it. In cabinet bottoms, routed channels in floor and wall foam, openings in roof joists etc. Add to that after the first couple of units the person knows from repetition of the task what to do. They build sometimes 20 per day on some of those lines depending on the model. They also make changes on the fly often.
  • Yeah, I was a little annoyed to when I heard that, but there was no point in arguing with them. Feel free to call them yourself and if they tell you otherwise, let me know so I can call back and get one for my camper.
  • they dont have one. OMG, such a lie, every camper would be wired differently depending on the guy wiring each unit.
    Im bringing home the camper home today.
  • Asked Forest River for a wiring diagram; I was told they don't make wiring diagrams, so SOL most likely.