fj12ryder wrote:
I think it would be wonderful if we didn't have to drive. I mean that's why trains, airplanes, and boats got to be so useful: you just were along for the ride. I like to ride motorcycles, but driving a car just to get somewhere is a real bore.
Imagine a 150 mile drive to visit relatives: get in the car, put it on autopilot, then just relax, nap, read, whatever. Wonderful!!
Planes, trains, buses have a driver - not the same thing.
And, if the GPS service sends you off a cliff because the road washed away and the GPS hasn't done its daily/weekly update? Then what?
Oh, They'll send the driver-less ambulance to get you ... :) :)
Pretty soon, we'll be sending our vehicles to visit for us - a virtual visit with grandma ! Send your Galaxy III instead of yourself.
Technology is a great thing if handled properly - and to do that, we need a human in the mix, somewhere.