SCR wrote:
2012Coleman wrote:
Hope all you non believers have your files backed up on external media, and won't be connected to a network with your out of date OS. If it was a money making venture to supply patches and updates, then the poster who stated they would have stuck with Win 95 would still seeing it upon start up. Win 7 is not much of a learning curve. I won't defend Win 8. When you get the message asking you for money to unlock your files, just throw it in the can.
The Crytolocker Ransomeware is not just an XP problem it will infect all Windows operating systems.
Your best defense in the event of infection is to have a complete backup or image of your hard drive.
More Information:
Wikipedia - Cryptolocker
The sky is falling... again.
I hate to tell you, NONE of the MS "patches" truly make your PC totally "bullet proof".
I HAVE seen FULLY PATCHED, loaded with active A/V softawre hiding behind a very robust locked down firewall PCs FALL VICTIM to drive by malware attacks. Basically turning those PCs into quivering door stops.
Every security patch that has been released by MS basically addresses extremely minute security holes or flaws. Basically put most are to fix flaws found by MS folks. These are flaws that have several billion to one chances of ever affecting your PC.
In the big corporate world most companies DO NOT allow their PCs to ever reach out to MS update servers. Instead the IT departments REVIEW AND TEST ALL patches to ensure the patches do not break something and are truly needed. Then when the patches have been approved, the IT department sends them to their OWN CORPORATE UPDATE SERVERS.
I used W98SE for many years well past the drop dead support date and I had NEVER, EVER "patched" it with any updates.
Guess what? I NEVER, EVER was hit by any virus or malware.
My XP on the other hand has been kept up to date with patches and IT WAS INFECTED by a inline text ad!
If you this concerned about virus or malware then I would recommend that you pull the network cable or your wireless card out of your PC, then stomp on it, then take a sledge to it, then burn it and NEVER, EVER think about connecting to the Internet, that is the ONLY way you will never be exposed to attacks.
USE YOUR HEAD, instead of worrying about these small chances of attacks and use better browsers instead of IE along with some top notch browser tools.
Things like FireFox with Adblock Plus, NoScript (this completely STOPS ALL attacks via Javascripts since it does not allow them to run automatcially), Better Privacy stops and removes flash super cookies.
Most if not all malware and virus's tend to be delivered via JavaScripts. The reason for this is Javascripts are like little snippets of code which can run in the background WITHOUT YOU KNOWLEDGE. They have FULL ADMINISTRATIVE RIGHTS to DOWNLOAD, INSTALL AND RUN software... Without something like NoScript YOU HAVE NO CONTROL, the website has control of your PC...