burlmart wrote:
If you are now running XP with the free antivirus MSE from MS, that will not change for 18 months. And those monthly patches on a Tuesday will continue to deliver the same malware prevention you have been relying on all along.
So, there is no change in antivirus/malware for 18 months with your XP.
All you will lose is software patches that were also part of those Tuesday updates. Is this catastrophic? No. Use Firefox (or Chrome) browsers (no more IE). FF and Chrome have committed to add a further layer of protection to XP for a a couple more years. It is only thru an internet connection - mostly a browser - that XP could be vulnerable. You will be well protected going forward..
Run XP in good cheer until W9 comes out...I bet you will be glad you did. MS wants you to recommit in 2015, and I bet they will throw in a few freebie Tuesday 'hole patches' between now and then to show they appreciate you.
I think someone reminded MS about the power of customer loyalty in the past week or so, and you will be a benificiary.
Thanks for the info, Bulmart. I thought I read that MSE wouldn't be supported after April. You say it will for 18 mos. Hope that's correct. I'm already using the Chrome browser and feel pretty safe with that, too.