article is about a 3 y/o ipad and how its owner is being forced to look at spending $600+ to keep using the latest apps. Very many interesting themes related to this XP 'obsolence' thread.
I felt the same way he did when our 9 y/o DOS Kaypro and its peripherals had to go, and again when our 7 y/o Win 95 Gateway and its stuff had to be replaced w/ our (now my) 9+ y/o XP Hewlett P and all new peripherals (incl. what is now its 3rd monitor). In each case roughly $1200 was initial cost (maybe more for Kaypro) - all were mid-level equip.
I was reluctant to upgrade, but saw no choice in the 1st 2 cases. The software improvements required hardware improvements in prior cases, but very little for the current HP (an extra gig of RAM, a camera, a wifi adapter, etc).
Apple w/ its ipad seems better able to force an upgrade than MS w/r an XP PC. I could get a new Dell desktop w/ W8 for $300 and be good for a decade, but if Apple is able to keep its pricing and 3 year obsolescence going, the apple user would be spending over 5 times as much in a decade.
Not sure what to make of all this.