I guess you are referring to picking up the NATL BROADCAST UHF DIGITAL HDTV signals from the local towns verses SAT TV...
We camp alot OFF-ROAD in our POPUP TRAILER adn use this home made pole mounted to the side of the popup and has the standard BATWING antenna on top. I can reach through our window flap and rotate the antenna pole with ease.
We get great results from the local towns using this setup...
It only takes a few minutes to setup and it breaks down in a couple of sections for transport...
I mounted a regular ANTENNA BASEPLATE inside the trailer that feeds this antenna and has the 12VDC PRE-AMPLIFIER control voltage for the BATWING Antenna... This is where you have a PUSH BUTTON to turn ON the pre-amplifier inisde the the pole mounted BATWING antenna...

I used to bring along my spare SAT RCVR and SAT DISH tripod to setup but since the NATL BROADCAST came out with digital HDTV a few years this was a better way for us to get high def digital TV signals...
I think this is what you are referring too???
Roy Ken