GENECOP wrote:
Both, reworking some existing stuff, and adding some new...Thanks...not surprised no responses yet, there is a real need for knowledgable AV guys in the RV industry....
From what I have "observed" over the years of reading this and other RV forums that the "average" RVer is often unwilling to PAY someone to do things like this.
I personally hate "reworking" other peoples "work", it often results in the need to SCRAP existing wiring and run ALL NEW since it is extremely difficult in figuring out a jumbled up rats nest of wiring.
The closest you will find to "knowledgeable people" for MOBILE A/V is going to be a CUSTOM CAR STEREO SHOP. You know, the ones that put those over the top 5000W multi-battery installations with ten 15" subwoofers in the back of a Nissan, Honda, Toyota.. The kind that when they turn it on to level 1 out of 20 all the glass breaks out of all the buildings in the next neighborhood 5 miles away..
Those places are the only ones I can think of which MIGHT be willing to tackle your mobile A/V problems.
You are asking a lot, RVs present a lot of major hurdles and very few are the same. Altering wiring inside a RV is pretty much impossible, pretty fair chance that you will not "pull" the existing wiring out to run new or additional wires.
The OEM wiring is often bundled and or stapled inside the walls and ceiling and getting wire from the wall into the ceiling without cutting holes is pretty much not happening.
In a nutshell, if you want additional wiring run from the front to the back of a RV you WILL need to find a new route, either by going through existing cabinets or taking it UNDERNEATH the RV.