Depends what your priorities are. If you want the best coverage in the western US, stick with Verizon. If you want to save money and are willing to accept no coverage in some rural areas, try one of the lower tier brands. its all about coverage and where you travel and what you're willing to pay. since everyone has different priorities, the best choice varies
I've tried ATT, Sprint, T-Mobile and always gone back to Verizon for the coverage in remote areas where I camp frequently. Saving $20 a month does me no good when I end up with no coverage.
How much data you use per month is also a factor. Those who can get by with 5gig or less a month have more choices. Those like me who use 30 gig a month have fewer economical choices for that level.
Supercharged wrote:
We have Verizon (my bill is around $150.00 for two phones) now and am thinking of trying another company. We travel a lot around the country both by RV and car and plane.
Who should I not look at, and who should I look at.