wnjj wrote:
Are you saying using Gmail in a browser is better on your phone than the gmail app on your phone or that the browser on a PC is better than app on the phone?
The latter on Gmail,
that the browser on a PC is better than app on the phone?
I would not consider using Gmail in a browser on my phone, I seldom open a browser on my phone, most everything I do on my phone has an app tailored to the phone (Gmail is just one example).
I am a geezer (will turn 80 this year) and went to work for IBM in 1960 when computers still had vacuum tubes. I am not an early adopter of new technology but I usually move on soon when better things come along. Cloud computing is one of those things. Cloud computing is in some ways full circle from the old mainframe computers/dumb terminal days to PCs on everyone's desks and now to remote servers with client workstations. What goes around comes around. That's why I am full into Google since I view them currently as the best solution (and basically free) but something else will come along to supersede them.
And I am a mouse and keyboard guy also, just more efficient for me for most of my tasks. But as I said in previous post, I do love my smartphone and all it can do.