Forum Discussion

Luke_Porter's avatar
May 09, 2015

Computer Video Problem

When I try to watch any video on my computer, the picture is "blown up". How can I fix that?
  • could be in your YouTube settings

    When I watch YouTube, if I hit the expand screen icon
    When the video expands , a little checkmark box appears with text saying remember this
    If that is checked, videos automatically play fulfill screen
  • It happens on Youtube videos. The computer is 3 years old, used to work fine.
  • What video ? YouTube...Or Netflix in HD ?
    How old is your pc? What is the resolution of the display?
    Is this a new problem that just started

    Depending on which program you are using to watch the video
    The preferences/settings, control the display size
    Example ..always fit to window, always full screen,
    If there's are "not check marked", video should open at original resolution

    I use the free VLC..VIDEO LAN PLAYER, Or media player classic
    They are the two best video play programs and far better than Windows media player