Greg13 wrote:
I am new to camping and recently bought a new camper. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about boosting the signal of the digital antenna to try to pick up more channels.
Thanks in advance
there is no such thing as a digital TV antenna or a digital TV signal amplifier. all existing TV antennas and amplifier are capable of detecting digital TV transmissions. to market antenna as otherwise is snake oil. some really old TV antennas built before the creation of UHF channels 13-72 (decades ago) won't receive some new digital stations not because they are transmitting digital signals but because they are transmitting on frequencies outside the range of frequencies the ancient antenna is designed to receive.
in the case of your new camper the existing antenna (is it a crank-up Winegard batwing, Jack antenna or some sort of round permanently fixed antenna?) it is designed to receive both VHF and UHF frequencies and likely already has an amplifier. The Winegard crank-up batwing has an amplifier built into the head which requires a 12-volt power source to activate. there should be a switch near the crank to do that.
the batwing is a directional antenna meaning it must be turned so that the broad side of the wings are facing in the direction of the TV transmitters. the wings receive VHF transmissions, the UHF receiver is built into the head of the antenna. there is an add-on to the batwing called a Wingman (check google) that helps focus and direct more UHF signals to the amplifier in the antenna head.
getting good TV reception in campgrounds has gotten progressively more difficult since the change from analog to digital for lots of reasons that are really germane to your question.
if you tell us the make and model of your antenna we may be able to give you additional information.