I have been doing DTV HD with a portable antenna for the last 6 years. Once you get the hang of it, it normally takes under 10 minutes start to finish. Start with a good tripod (like others I use and recommend the TV4RV one). Get it level and oriented towards the satellites. Use one of the dishpointer apps on your phone to ensure there is a clear shot to the satellites. I use the dishpointer.com web site to get the specific azimuth, elevation and skew for my location. (hint: do it ahead of time and then you are ready to setup as soon as you arrive). Set the elevation and skew on the antenna before you mount it on the tripod. A compass will show you where to point the antenna. Plop the antenna on the mount and you should be close. To home in on the signal I use a Sat Look Lite signal finder. But others use the receiver and its builtin signal meter. I know one person who uses the old style "Squeal-o-meter" to home in on the satellites. The key is to lock in on the 101 satellite. Do that and 99/103 will also be there (assuming the skew is anywhere close to the prescribed value).