bwanshoom wrote:
rockhillmanor wrote:
I watched it on the news here down in Florida. To say I was shocked was an understatement. Sure didn't know google does that. I'll try and do search on the local tv stations and see if they listed it. News like that is so small they sometimes don't even put it on their website. Florida is more into daily bank robbers daily hit and runs and bodies in the woods.. :(
Google has had a long-standing public policy that they will report you to the authorities if you are involved in child porn. I imagine that any photo-processing business would have similar policies/requirements.
I don't know if the case you're referring to involves this.
Not just Google but most ISP also track and scan for similar digital fingerprints as ten states have laws that require computer techs and ISP to report such activities to law enforcement authorities including Arkansas, California, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas. This case involved an individual in CA, so Google was following the law.