rockhillmanor wrote:
I stay away from anything google.
To each his own but you are missing a lot of good stuff. :)
I also worked in the computer business all my life, not that that conveys any particular wisdom.
But Google is no worse than any other site on the web and I think better than most. I use all their stuff, Gmail, Chrome, Picasa, Earth, Docs, Drive, Maps, Remote desktop, Calendar, Android, etc. I've used them since their search engine came out, have added apps as I needed them and would miss them all if I didn't have them. Other competitors have always been behind the Google curve but they do continue to strive for that level of usefulness. And I have never had an issue as the previous poster pointed out. I do get annoyed with them from time to time, but that happens with most software that I use.
Here is a good article about Google that was in our paper today:
Five myths about GoogleI agree that a personal website is an alternative and use GoDaddy myself for websites, but prefer the ease of using Google's Blogspot over a personal website.