garry1p wrote:
No matter how secure YOU are the business you shop at bank with or have any transaction with will be a target of hackers they get millions of individual accounts such as Target, Home Depot or any site that clears your CC information is more at risk than the individual. You have no control
Using an open WIFI is normally a one one attract and yes there are many bad actors praying on open WiFi's you just never know until it is to late. You have some level of control use it or....
V{N is point to point encrypted and better than not having it but nothing is totally secure on the internet.
A VPN is no more "secure" than an open wifi, period.
You are DEPENDING AND TRUSTING on a faceless, unreachable, untouchable THIRD PARTY VPN software to make this "encryption" happen..
Much of these third party VPNs are based outside of the US, ever wonder why?
What if that third party VPN you chose is ACTUALLY one of the BAD GUYS?
What if that third party VPN has one of their servers hacked and compromised?
Your data integrity and security is only as good as all of the moving parts between your computer and your data's final destination..
As someone else has mentioned, VPNs are more about HIDING YOUR IP LOCATION than they are for making your connection more secure..
IF you are wanting to do general Internet browsing, open wifi OR secured wifi should not pose any real threat.
IF you are BANKING or putting other personal info onto the Internet and are over the top privacy concerned then skip wifi and move to WIRED connection.
Alternately, while less secure than a wired connection, bring your own wifi (cell based) would be the better method over depending on a third party VPN on a public wifi..