TheStuntman wrote:
So I'm going to try and respond to everyones questions the best I can here. It's Alaska and I'm just waking up and moving around, (got cold last night so didn't sleep to extremely well). I make somewhere around $420/week, don't know if that was a typo on my part or not, I was pretty tired last night.
The RV park will not allow us to install a DSL connection utilizing a ground mounted dish. I did finally get a rep to agree to send out an installer to mount a dish ON the RV but then my credit check was denied.
MTA though an interesting choice, has some major datacap restrictions and is part of how I got screwed over. (I had MTA up in Eagle River and the room mates I had with me, I didn't know was all watching Netflix at the same time and ran up a 2 thousand dollar bill before I even knew what was happening).
I HAVE checked with maybe doing something like a hot spot. From what I've been able to tell so far, the only plans they really offer is like at most 7 GB every 2 months for data, for an insane price.
Another long term RVer did look into running MTA to his RV. They quoted him over 1000 for installation since they'd have to run a completely new line, trench it and install it a specific way. SO I don't think getting a normalish type of internet service provider is an option here.
@westernparkrvowner I'm not particularly blaming the park owners here, but I know they're using domestic routers and the park is pretty dead atm. They have something like 5 RVs in total in the lost this winter and some of them will be leaving in the next couple of weeks. I realize though it's not there fault I can't work, they're not expected to provide to me the best internet service publicly available lol.
In response to the business internet, I HAD looked into getting business internet when I was in Eagle River. I don't quite qualify for it since according to them, I'd need a business licence to qualify. I fall into a grey area of the market. Technically speaking I"m a private contractor for the company I work for.
I get Tmobile and Verizon here as well as several other services in the area, so cell phone wouldn't be a bad idea, but I just worry about the costs versus data caps. Alaska is beginning to be notorious for there data caps, every internet service provider up here has them but one major one.
The 2 GB a day that I came up with for bandwidth is me doing the absolutely minimum, just work, that's it. in reality I can rank up to 3 or even 4 some days depending on the work I'm doing.
Thankyou EVERYONE for all of the posts and helpful suggestions so far, hopefully I've helped answer some peoples questions.
DSL doesn't use or require a dish of any kind. It runs over telephone lines. What is the Park's ISP? They would be the best bet to talk to about getting a dedicated service for your use. If the service requires a wired connection and the park won't let you pay to have a line run to your rig, maybe it's time to find other accommodations.