dieseltruckdriver wrote:
As an added bonus, (my DW is not easy on phones) neither of us has ever cracked a screen on these. They must use good glass!
I have a Pixel 3 and I dropped it three times in a row on a concrete sidewalk within a 20 minute period. Each time I thought this is not going to be good but on the first two drops there was no damage.
On the third drop the glass was slightly cracked on the upper right corner. First of all, I made a pledge to always focus on what I am doing when I take my phone out of my pocket. :) I ordered myself a new Pixel 3 from Google (luckily they were on sale at the time) and when it was delivered I sent my phone with the broken glass to Google for repair (it still worked normally). It came back looking like new and my wife decided she wanted to use it to replace her Moto G 5S Plus because the Pixel was a little smaller and felt better in her hand.
The Moto G ended up with a grandson whose phone died when he was visiting with us. So we are a two Pixel family now and have been for a year and I have not dropped my phone again.