Forum Discussion

burlmart's avatar
Apr 03, 2014

Not so XaPpy anymore

My 10 y/o HP XP Pavillion gave up sometime overnight. Nothing. Turn power supply switch off and on and press the HP on button - nada.

Should I assume it is the power supply (it was already replaced some 4 or 5 years ago), or would a failed hard drive cause a PC to not even turn on?

Still have a 7 y/o GTW XP laptop to hold on till maybe Win 9 (or maybe beyond).
  • Could be a bad capacitor. Not uncommon for HPs (and other brands) to develop "bulging capacitors".

    You could also try, since it is quick & easy:
    1. Remove Battery (for a laptop) and unplug the power cord (laptop and desktop)
    2. Press and hold Power Button for 30 seconds
    3. Plug only the power cord to the computer
    4. Try turning on the computer

    I had an old HP laptop that needed the battery removed for a couple of hours, then it would start up normally again.

    Go figure.
  • bwanshoom wrote:
    It's a safe bet it's Microsoft trying to get you off XP. :B

    They still have a laptop to kill!

    I plugged into a separate outlet - no go.

    The only reason I suspected the hard drive is that I had just learned to use Audacity to record music cassettes and parse them into 'CD audio' files. For several hours I really worled the computer HD hard.

    It was a good run for that PC. This laptop is flimsier, and may not go so long.
  • Silly thought, but is there power at the socket where you are plugged in?

    Same thing happened to me back when. Turns out the dog had stepped on the on / off toggle switch to the power strip-surge protector.
  • If you're getting nothing, the power supply would be the likely culprit.