Thanks for comments - This has been my standard meter for a few years and then i started seeing the AC Voltage alitle higher and didn't give it much thought. Now it reads 134.6VAC... That caught my attention haha... I pulled out the second good multimeter and it reads 118.3VAC every here...
I Think i will order a new KILL-A-METER brand meter since they only cost around $17 from AMAZON. I love the other functions it does... This is the meter I would use as well with my test setup for plugging into camp ground pedestals... so its not only just for the Ham Radio station here...
If the the new one does the same thing then I will just give it up haha... I have now read the 118.2VAC from two different FLUKE meters so pretty sure they are somewhat correct... The 134.6 is down abit from my other reading a couple of days ago... The P4400 meter has been not plugged in since then... That is way to high a reading and I'm sure I would be seeing some local failures here...
I'll replace it one time I reckon...
Roy Ken