CoeyCoey wrote:
Could you please read my posts and try to understand it before responding. I said that it was more than twice as efficient than the generator at half load. You will rarely ever run a generator at full load. Anything less than full load decreases the efficiency.
How about letting people speak for themselves. If you don't think this is worth it for you, then just say that. Don't come on to threads and poopoo every idea because of your preconceived ideas on the topic. You immediately said it was less efficient, which shows you did absolutely ZERO research. People would like to discuss new technologies without having someone, a moderator no less, bashing the idea from a position of ignorance.
I have to assume that a "Welcome to the Forum" is in order CoeyCoey. Understand that this is an open forum and others are allowed to have differing views, opinions and perspectives. This does not make them right or wrong, only differing. You are going to need to put your big boy panties on and accept that others see things differently. By they way, seeing things differently is OK, even if they are wrong. There is no need and no reason to flame any poster, be they moderator or not, about their post. If you think a poster missed something you are welcome to try to clarify without insulting them. I don't believe the system you find interesting is a great leap forward but it certainly is a different take on a necessary solution. Fuel cells have been around for a long time and many are powered by Hydrogen, and even better power to fuel ratio (or I could be completely wrong, but don't care).
If you are interested in having an open discussion with varying points of view, you have come to the right place. If not, I doubt you are going to find a path to your intended goal here.