Not likely to ever work connected to the cable hookup without some mods. I had the single coax input for cable. But near the TV there is a dual coax wall plate with a short coax jumper between the two coax connectors. Turns out the outside coax connection goes directly to that wall plate. By removing the jumper and using another coax cable from the wall plate to the sat receiver box, the Tailgater worked fine. To use park cable I had to put the coax jumper back in place.
To simply things I just bought a new external weather proof coax connector, drilled a hole in the outside wall of the 5er near the TV, added a new single coax wall plate in cabinet under the TV, connected the new outside connector to the new inside coax wall plate with a short RG6 coax cable, connected that to the sat box, and now can use the Tailgater without moving any jumper. Was pretty simple in my case as the TV is next to a side wall. And beneath the TV is a cabinet with an inside side panel I can remove and see the outside wall.