Damage to the electronics.. Well on the devices you specified, not likely,, There are some devices that can be damaged by MSW but generally a Sat Receiver or Television or Radio are not on that list,, Strangely some night lights are, and electric blankets, (One would think otherwise but hey.. This is what is reported)
What is more likely is the blasted sat receiver will loose signal on an MSW inverter... The reason for that is the wave form.. Now a well built, filtered and shielded MSW inverter,, No tribble.. but those are not all that common epically in the small low cost ones... Those may radiate interference well into the microwave reagon. In fact I have (somewhere) the plans for a device that basically is a square (Well retangular) wave generator.. And it has been measured in the microwave range by its designer. (Who happens to be a friend, I have a lot of "Techie" Friends).