Visible "observations".
The positive:
I joined to use the service as a "backup" hotspot. Didn't really need (another) cell phone - so I opted for the "bargain" phone offering, a Visible R2 at about $20. (May have been $19.95).
As a hotspot it worked fine. The monthly fee immediately dropped to
$25. per month. I had started a group - never checked it again.
No clue who - or how many - are in that group. Been $25 per month for about a year now.
Now the negative:
Gee Whiz - I've got this phone, might as well use it (as needed) as a *phone*!! NOT GOOD - BAD plan !!
No matter what I did to accomplish that...the blankety-blank R2 would not indicate any way to *answer* calls !! No green phone icon, etc.
Could call out OK, but incoming calls would go to voice mail.
Tried everything I could think of - with lots (and LOTS) of time wasted. Then spent about an hour and a half with tech support.
More time wasted.
Still no luck....ready to throw the R2 against the wall. No big deal, I'm only out twenty bucks - and the cost of a replacement.
(It was long past it's warranty period)
But - just for the heck of it - I stopped by the local Verizon store.
Told the sales guy the problem.....nice guy, he set out to solve "Mission Impossible"!
Ha ha!! - I was sort of happy *he* could not accomplish - what should be an easy task. But he was persistent, even though (as I told the chat/tech) it's OK to give up!! (It was really getting "old" - wanted to thank him and be gone!)
After about a half hour he went into the back room for about ten minutes. When he came out he had done it. WOW! - Didn't ask how, didn't really care! Told him I would buy him a 6-pack of his favorite beer, but he declined.
So....even though there are "good" reviews of the cheapie R2 phone on YouTube - I recommend some other choice !! (*ANY* other choice if you want to use the service for anything other than a hotspot).
BTW - recently have seen Visible ads on TV.
:R..:)..:M = take your pick!