We solved out problem with the Verizon MIFI Plan which becomes a WIFI HOTSPOT for up to five of your devices to connect to the internet with. This is secured usage unit and great for checking your emails, paying your bills on-line and chatting with your kids. We also do some limited surfacing of the internet with our grandfathered 3GB DATAPLAN.
This is stand alone device that does not tie up your cell phone.
being a small footprint and running on its internal rechargeable battery you can carry this in your shirt pocket and go hiking or sitting on the beach or whatever and have you tablets and other WIFI enables devices you.
Being on the VERIZON NETWORK it has probably the best SERVICE AREA of all of the cell phone/internet providers.
I think their smallest plan is a 5GB DATAPLAN for around $60.
We also use the WILSON SLEEK Cradle as our MIFI unit docking station so to speak. This unit has an external antenna which boosts your WIFI HOTSPOT better around your camp site as well as pickup the Verizon Signal better when in those weak reception areas.
If you want to downstream some TV STATIONS you can also get the MILLENICOM 20GB DATAPLAN unit which uses the VERIZON Network for great coverage. This cost around $80 a month I think...
I am not a big fan for tapping into the various WIFI signals you find scattered all over the country side. This cannot be a very good thing to use especially in protecting your identity especially when you want to be paying bills online.
Alot of folks however go to big extremes to use the FREE WIFI signals everywhere. Not for me...
Roy Ken