Jun 10, 2015Explorer II
Windows 10
Has anyone began the conversion to 10? Problems, comments? Do you know if it loads on top of say, 7, or replaces all of the older version? Thanks, Jim
FIRE UP wrote:
Well Gang,
I just changed over to W10 last night. It took about 45 minutes for them to remotely change over the system from 8 to 10. So far, in the limited time I've been here playing with it, the jury is still out on whether I like it or not. It's just like when I went from 7 to 8, I had to get used to it. So far, I've only got one issue or, "complaint" if you will.
When on 8, I could be on RV.net or, IRV2 or what ever and, there were tool bars across the top. I had a FAVORITE BAR across the top that had those above mentioned forums and a few more. I cold click right on any one of those and go right to them. But, on 10, I see no way to add a tool bar across the top. Maybe I'm not supposed to. Maybe that's one of their "Improvements" between 8 and 10.
Another thing, If I make a comment to a post on RV.net or any of the others, when I'm done and have submitted my answer, I could right click on the back button on the top left of the screen and, it would have a drop down list that would have all the posts (various subjects) and, I could go right back to the list with out keep hitting the back arrow like you have to do with 10.
One more thing, on 8, I had various places I could click on to go "HOME". So far, I seen no way to exit RV.net or any other forum by hitting "home" (little House) etc. I know I'm new at this 10 thing and, am slowly figuring things out but, sometimes a little help would really be appreciated.