CA Traveler wrote:
TechWriter wrote:
Since the Travler is able to acquire an Eastern Arc sat with a Western Arc LNB, it must be the software (ie, the Travler has better software).
A 68 degree separation is huge so do you have to instruct the Traveler on which set to acquire?
The central US location of DTV (99, 101, 103) is a huge advantage that covers the lower 48 states and Alaska.
Not in the park I'm in right now. The DTV and Dish western arc sats are completely blocked by trees and a hill, while the Dish eastern arc sats are easily acquired by anyone about a hundred feet from the tree line or more. The DTV 99-103 sats are at a ~34 degree elevation with an azimuth right into the hilltop, while the Dish EA sats are at ~40 degrees, with an azimuth that points away from the hill. My new neighbor was outside cussing up a storm a few minutes ago because his roof mounted dome can't find a signal and his wife is not happy. If he had Dish, I'd consider letting him connect to my EA LNB, but alas, he has DTV... ;)