jcpainter wrote:
pbeverly Which CC offers virtual cards?
Thank you
for any online transaction my VISA, Discover allow me to create a virtual one time use card.
Paypal is basically the same process. With Paypal the amount you ok for a transaction can only be used once by the vendor. If for instance they do a partial shipment and back order, the partial amount will be paid by the initial transaction but Paypal will not allow a second transaction, even if the total amount from both transactions is the total first ok'd. So paypal is basically a "one and done" system.
I prefer paypal for online purchases, and only use a CC if I know the vendor and they don't take Paypal. (very seldom the case).
My Visa is set up so that on any online transaction I use it for after entering the card number and info I must enter the 3 digit code on the back in a seperate pop up window for the transaction to be allowed.
Automatic bill pay with VISA is set up seperately for each service and varies.