Mar-22-2017 08:11 AM
Mar-23-2017 02:37 PM
mgirardo wrote:
We've been RV camping for almost 15 years, but I learned a valuable lesson last week that I wanted to pass on. The lesson is always go prepared. I always bring a cordless drill with me when camping and almost always bring my 201 piece mechanics tool set. We had a 5 day trip planned, but we were really busy the days leading up to our departure. I decided not to bring the tool set.
Unfortunately, that was a mistake. When I emptied the hot water heater last, I did not fully tighten the drain plug (we have a Suburban, so no Anode Rod). Sure enough, it leaked from the drain plug. I didn't notice it right away and had a nice size puddle under the camper. The campground was pretty quiet, so not really anyone to ask if they had a wrench and I could never pin down the host (we were out of the campground each day). I was able to hand tighten it to keep the water from really leaking, but never got it tight enough.
I did have a gallon bucket to catch the leaking water when we needed the hot water heater. I left the hot water heater in bypass most of the time to keep it from getting pressurized. The only time it leaked a lot was when there was pressure in the tank. Once the pressure was relieved, it only dripped every so often.
Like the drill, I will always bring my tool set, even when in a hurry.
Mar-23-2017 01:32 PM
gbopp wrote:mgirardo wrote:
I was able to hand tighten it to keep the water from really leaking, but never got it tight enough.
Interesting. Something that can't be fixed/patched with pop rivets or duct tape. :B
Mar-23-2017 03:15 AM
I also have a cheapo set that lives in the camper. I suspect you should as well.
Mar-23-2017 12:05 AM
DutchmenSport wrote:
Murphy's law at it's finest moment! (my favorite soap box subject: About the time you get ready to fix mashed potatoes, you'll realize you forgot the potato peeler! ... Always be prepared! Keep a potato peeler in your camper!)
Mar-22-2017 08:17 PM
opnspaces wrote:
OP, does your water heater have a plastic drain plug? If so it would be an Atwood.
Mar-22-2017 06:03 PM
Mar-22-2017 05:48 PM
Mar-22-2017 04:50 PM
Mar-22-2017 03:50 PM
Mar-22-2017 11:19 AM
mgirardo wrote:
I was able to hand tighten it to keep the water from really leaking, but never got it tight enough.
Mar-22-2017 10:48 AM
Oasisbob wrote:
Are you a former boy scout? Always be prepared. Good advice. Often I can loan items out to neighbors who are in need. Batteries, lantern mantles. What do you use the cordless drill for?
Mar-22-2017 10:42 AM
Jim-Linda wrote:
If you have a Suburban, you do have an anode rod, no drain plug
Mar-22-2017 09:18 AM
Mar-22-2017 09:17 AM