Forum Discussion

happy2bhiking's avatar
Sep 04, 2014

Another rookie on the road.

:R Good Morning. Yes another rookie here. I just purchased a small travel trailer, Coachman Freedom Express. Actually don't get it till the 18th, but I am so excited. I've tent camped for so many years dreaming of the day I would have a trailer. YeHa today is the day, Thank you Lord. I imagine I will be reading alot on RVnet in the days to come. So much to learn and can't wait to get started. Off to work for me now. Have a good day
  • Troll here! You need to tell us more about yourself and your rig so we can point out what you are dong wrong!
    Seriously welcome aboard,take everything that you read here with a large grain of salt,and most of all, have a good time!
  • You are fortunate today. When I started in '69 I don't think Al Gore had invented the internet yet and there was no either. I had to make all my own mistakes.
  • Welcome to a wonderful place to glean information and opinions! Welcome to the world of "hard-sided" camping! Everyone has a different concept of camping, you just have to decide what is yours and look for everyday to be a holiday. Remember "A bad day camping is better than a good day at anything else!" Happy Trails!
  • Wow still remember our first time in a pop up. Ran the wheels off of it. Now in a 31 ft TT an still loving it. Have fun and keep us informed.
  • Yea! Welcome to the Clubhouse. Most everyone here is friendly, but do be careful not to disturb the troll over in the corner. Should you manage to do so, be sure to duck.

    We're looking forward to many years of delight on your part with that trailer in tow. Do check in from time to time, not just for help figuring it out, but just to tell us what a grand time you are having, 'k?
  • Congrats on your TT. I'm sure you're going to love it.
    Start reading and asking questions. There's a lot to learn.
    Enjoy your travels.
  • I thoroughly enjoy reading 'rookie' post! They are always filled with excitement and always remind me of how we felt when first got started...:C