Forum Discussion

Tony_B's avatar
Dec 01, 2017

Car and Trailer Registration

When previously traveling, i was never more than 14 hrs from my home location. I would make trips back for Registration and inspection of vehicle. Well, now with my new travel plans, that is no longer practical.
What do you guys do about vehicle inspections when on the road. I believe that you must have vehicle inspected in your home state and that is not practical.
How do you handle that?
  • You have listed your location as Texas. For this reply I’m going to assume that your residence/ domicile is Texas.

    You can do your registration renewal for the trailer/RV and the tow vehicle/ toad online.

    Yes, Texas currently requires vehicle inspections take place in Texas within 90 days of the registration renewal date.

    However, for people who are out of state when their vehicle comes up for renewal - there is a provision to renew the registration, get the new stickers in the mail, and conduct the inspection within 10 days of your return to the state. This provision was added to the “One Sticker” law for Texas resident military personnel, Texas residents who work out of state, and RVers.

    Because Texas requires the inspection be entered in the statewide data base by the inspector, you cannot have it done by someone in another state.

    However, I would recommend before starting out on a long trip that might cross your renewal month, stop by the local county tax assessor office (which handles vehicle registration in Texas) and make sure you and the office are on the same page about the temporary out of state renewal process.

    My residence/ domicile is in Polk County with Escapees. A county with over half of all vehicles registered belonging to RVers, most of whom travel extensively.
  • Move to Montana.
    No vehicle inspections at the present time.
    ALL trailers get PERMANENT registration.
    All motorcycles, too (that includes street legal ATVs).
    and all boats.
    Vehicles 11 years old or older can be permanently registered.
    There is no sales tax.
    However, you will have State Income Tax to deal with...
  • We don’t inspect here in California, and have the accident rates to prove it.
  • Call your STATE DMV (not the local office) and ask them. I've had safety inspections done by local Police in the place I was in, and by local State Police officers. Their form, nothing like what my home state wanted, but they accepted it. Another time (different state and different domicile) I've also explained that I was in Valdez, AK, and Alaska has NO state inspections. My DMV allowed me to register and renew without an inspection if I signed a letter stating the relevant facts. In each case, when I got home I was able to move the renewal date so I didn't get caught again. I'm sure they have a procedure, you just have to get to the right person to tell you what you need do
  • Can you register by mail? For inspections, how often do you have to inspect? I can't imagine it's more often than once a year. You're not home once a year? I would think you could get it inspected out of cycle, i.e. inspect it early if you are home.
  • Move! Seriously, your two choices are move to a more friendly state or alter your plans so that you can be home to register it.