Aug-02-2020 02:49 PM
Aug-05-2020 03:08 AM
Aug-04-2020 06:19 PM
Aug-04-2020 05:11 PM
Rice wrote:
That is one deluxe paint job. Those two vertical rectangles in the rear--are they windows that have been painted/whatever-ed white to blend in? If so, the fact that I have to ask if they're windows says "mission accomplished."
If not, then "What the hell are those weird rectangles on that fancy coach?"
Aug-04-2020 05:03 PM
pitch wrote:
Yes that is exactly what I am saying. That is what insurance is for. At most the king could sue the low life for the deductible!
Aug-04-2020 03:32 PM
Aug-04-2020 02:00 PM
Powertour wrote:
Yes I cried because it was the nicest coach (at least custom paint wise) I'd ever seen. I cried because I can appreciate fine things in this world, wether they're owned by people wealthier than me or not is irrelevant, they're still fine things. I put myself in that person's shoes thinking that if I'd worked my @ ss off to get a dream coach & then to have it needlessly damaged because of someone else's negligence, I'd be pissed.
Aug-04-2020 10:29 AM
Bird Freak wrote:
Curious here. Did you see ay damage to the coach or just the EZ up against it?
Aug-04-2020 06:31 AM
Aug-04-2020 06:01 AM
pitch wrote:
I am sure there was no intent. Just a careless accident Did you cry because it was a Prevost, or because a low life class C had the unmitigated gall to be close to the kings ride.
I am sure that the Prevost owner has insurance and although a pain, will not cause him financial distress.
Why does the Brand and type make a difference, this is akin to naming the race of a person when race has nothing to do with the story!
Aug-04-2020 05:54 AM
bucky wrote:
Who says the C pictured owned the EZ up? It could have come from anywhere.
Aug-04-2020 05:36 AM
navigator2346 wrote:
"I am sure that the Prevost owner has insurance and although a pain, will not cause him financial distress."
So you are saying the Prevo guy should pick up the tab? I don't think so
Aug-04-2020 04:47 AM
Aug-04-2020 02:47 AM
Aug-03-2020 08:42 PM