jplante4 wrote:
2gypsies wrote:
Honestly, we rarely get any mail anymore. We successfully eliminated all junk mail.
I'd be interested in hearing how to accomplished this.
I won't say it's fast to do but it's definitely doable.
When we took off for full-timing 16 years ago we were getting tons of junk mail, credit card offers, catalogs, etc. We knew we didn't want that stuff forwarded to us from our mail forwarding service and pay postage on it. So we began the process 6 months prior.
First, we registered on this site: we started in on our homework:
- For all our magazine subscriptions we called each one (there was no email when we began that long ago - amazing) and requested that they take our name off all mailings and not to sell our name to others.
- For all catalogs we received we called and had them remove our name from all lists and not to sell our name to others. Catalogs are pre-printed months in advance so it took a little time to stop them.
- Anything that came that had a phone number included, we called to have our name removed.
- Things without a phone number or a 'generic' phone number such as credit card offers, we sent the mail right back to them in another envelope and wrote across the original envelope - remove from mailing lists.
- When placing an order for something or subscribing to a new magazine, we immediately asked not to be put on any mailing lists and not to sell our name to others.
- Nowadays, with internet, when you order something there is always a box to check (or uncheck) whether you want to informed of special sales, etc.
- We never subscribe to receive emails for any special offer.
It took about a year to fully stop all junk mail and we haven't received any in 16 years!
This process is really important for full-timers with mail forwarding services. I guess it's not so important if you're in a house because the recycling bin is nearby. However, to us it's a big unnecessary waste. Save it for a month and you'll be amazed at how much accumulates.