wa8yxm wrote:
What is wrong with tap water short version.
Tap water is not 100% water. there are minerals and other impurities. may even be bacteria in the water.. NOW..
Pure water (I am talking lab quality pure) Is not good for you either. By the way we all know water conducts electricity right.. WRONG pure water and again I'm talking lab quality. does not.. (I know I've used it in a lab and it was very important it not conduct).
You are correct about mineral and bacteria in well or even city water. And it varies from area to area or even house to house on the same street in some cases.. Now normally you stick close to home and you won't have any issues. but if you travel great distance....
I spent all summer tanking up (RV has a 80 Gallon tank) every 2 weeks I was doing the 2 weeks here two there 2 here bit and at one CG I'd hook up and tank up upon arrival. tank up again before I left and use JUST water from that CG save for laundry (Which (I did at the other CG) Finally I packed up and went south for the winter. 70 gallons lasted from Halloween EVE (When (I tanked up) TO Thanksgiving Morning that's when I hit empty.
Tanked up again and This time at my winter quarters. and went through 80 gallons in 7 days.. WHY. .Additional flushing.. Yup I got hit with the "Different water" effect.. Well I tanked up again 2 more times at one week intervals but the tank was NOT empty. then it was 2 weeks/1 week for the winter. I'm a bit more water efficient this year. every 3 weeks in the winter (Will go back to 2 weeks come summer due to logistics of it).
And I've been in parks where frankly I could not drink the water (Very bad) without filtration.
Now why is pure water not good? Some of the minerals are essent9ial. if you know what they are you can take supplements but.. I'm not sure what they are.
IF you are SERIOUSLY bothered a Reverse Osmosis filter gives near lab quality pure. However there is a trade off with them I don't care for.
I use a simple granulated charcoal filter (home made)
Big pipe (Mine is 3" I suggest 2) with reducers on each end to a garden hose (male and female) one end can be unscrewed to re-fill.
Stainless steel grid (Drain cover) each end.
Filter floos. Activated charcoal (the basic kind not the fancy stuff with algaecide) more floss and close it up. I use a full PINT of charcoal (or more) and change it from time to time.
THen I PUR what I drink as well.