bikendan wrote:
my goodness, the FW tank is designed to keep water clean and fresh. FW tanks have been safely used in the RV industry for decades.
I have no problems with the tank it goes in. It is the unknown source that I have a problem with. And sometimes the known source. And it is hard to know when traveling. Just how often have you asked at the campground office for their water test certification, or stopped in at the town hall for a copy of it?
bikendan wrote:
by the way, there are numerous scientific taste test studies that have been done that show that most testees choose city water over bottled water.:S
It isn't the taste that is a problem. Problem is where did it come from. And I admit that there are certain bottled waters I will not drink because it comes from a municipal water system. One has to be informed!!!
bikendan wrote:
in fact, we pay more for bottled water than we do for gasoline.
Just where do you buy your gasoline??? I get gallons of spring water at my local Walmart for 99 cents a gallon. And that isn't tap water. I know the spring source and have seen the testing certification. More pure that what I get out of my tap, supplied by a municipal water supply!!! Never have seen water for any more that $1.50 a gallon in any Walmart. Would love to buy gasoline at that price. Can't even get it on the indian reservation for that price.