Nov-15-2017 12:25 PM
Nov-18-2017 12:44 PM
Nov-18-2017 11:30 AM
Nov-18-2017 06:28 AM
Nov-18-2017 05:26 AM
Nov-17-2017 06:43 AM
Nov-17-2017 06:43 AM
SDcampowneroperator wrote:I agree whole heartedly with everything SD said, except for the part about responding to reviews. While a thank you for each response is nice, it will put you in a position where you must respond to any negative reviews or it will look like you just cherry pick.
In your area and market, long termers appear to be the norm. That means construction workers( as I used to be) If that is your business model, hiway signage and the like is a waste, contact with the unions like mine 'UA' may be a way to go. Construction workers wont care about fancy amenities unless they are geared towards the family at 'home' while he works.
When I was in the trade, we found camps by word of mouth or at the union hall.
You do yourself disservice by trying to fill your camp with cheap rates. Never do you want to be the cheapest place, that is for the dump that attracts schoolies and that ilk, will chase away higher quality folk. Pay no attention to the reviewers who only seek out deeply discounted camps. Thats not your model.
Access points for wifi do not matter unless you also have the bandwidth to carry the load. This is NUMERO UNO! for travelers and residents alike today.
If you feel you are in a location to attract short term, ie overnight or weekly travelers, then you have to approach it a lot differently. You will need pull throughs, a dump station, propane dispenser, laundry, etc. all in the premium area of the camp, not the dumpster area.
Now that we travel a lot for recreation, not for work, word of mouth is still tops, but when we lack that we use the Good Sam Travel Guide, back it up with rvparkreviews, facebook and google earth. Even our GS Magellan GPS knows every camp in the book just ahead. For an overnight it will show us all forms of camps, wallys, anything.
Never been surprised when using those tools. They are at everyones fingertips, even when on the road an hour away.
Work on google. facebook. our 8356 likes for our 99 site camp tells a lot. watch tripadvisor, rvparkreviews, use their comment features to refute or thank the review.
Engage a consultant if you are not experienced rvers yourselves to maximise your camp. I can recommend some.. Beyond a doubt concencus amongst travelers is space. And they will pay more for it.
You are asking the choir here, not the congregation.
Nov-16-2017 02:43 PM
Nov-16-2017 11:06 AM
CrystalRVTX wrote:
Wow, thanks for the overwhelming amount of responses!
We've been advertising on google but the different sites are a good way to branch out! Park next door is pretty full even though our rates are half of theirs and not to mention we have pretty fast wifi.
I guess, what is really important when you are staying at an RV park? what are your definite "YES I WANT TO STAY HERE vs NO WAY JOSE!" criteria?
Nov-16-2017 09:45 AM
CrystalRVTX wrote:
Hello all,
just seeing how much people go on about looking for an RV Park? I'm not advertising my park or anything, just seeing the best way to market.
I'm assuming most people just google it? Or do other people use facebook and/or yelp(yahoo??).
Do you guys look at billboards with RV Park ads or is it mainly online now?
additional question - what is really important when you are staying at an RV park? what are your definite "YES I WANT TO STAY HERE vs NO WAY JOSE!" criteria?
Thanks in advanced!
Nov-16-2017 08:21 AM
Nov-16-2017 08:20 AM
westernrvparkowner wrote:rockhillmanor wrote:He was pretty clear on his purpose. I don't see any hint he was trying to advertise here, he was getting input into where and how to advertise in general. These forums would be the worst place imaginable to advertise a park. In two days this thread is completely forgotten, and so too would any "advertisement". If he has a good park, it would be an advantage to all 7000 members if he can figure out how to get the word out. If it is a bad park, that too will come home to roost and eventually that information would become valuable to that same 7000.I'm not advertising my park or anything, just seeing the best way to market.
And you'all just got sucked in to trollsville!
Irregardless of the disclaimer in post (which actually just brings more attention to the fact it is an advertising post}. How many of you clicked on his website listed on his profile?
just joined 11/15/2017
link to his website on profile
He's not asking for how we look for CG's, he just got a free advertising ad for his CG to over 7,000 readers on RVnet forum. This is a very common trick. don't list the link on the post, put the link in the profile and you don't get caught for violating forum rules. :R
And with some 9 million RVs on the road, targeting any national media with only 7000 potential impressions is a total waste of time and effort. 7000 RVers currently in a 100 mile radius, maybe. All spread out across the country, no way. And these forums actually have an international reach, so it is slightly even worse from a marketing point of view for an individual RV park.
Nov-16-2017 08:16 AM
Oasisbob wrote:
I do some on line research when going to a new area reading reviews. I make a list in priority of reviews. When we were young we just winged it. After spending a night in a parking lot and another in a park right next to a fast food drive through, you want fries with that? , we learned to plan ahead
Nov-16-2017 08:12 AM
westernrvparkowner wrote:rockhillmanor wrote:He was pretty clear on his purpose. I don't see any hint he was trying to advertise here, he was getting input into where and how to advertise in general. These forums would be the worst place imaginable to advertise a park. In two days this thread is completely forgotten, and so too would any "advertisement". If he has a good park, it would be an advantage to all 7000 members if he can figure out how to get the word out. If it is a bad park, that too will come home to roost and eventually that information would become valuable to that same 7000.I'm not advertising my park or anything, just seeing the best way to market.
And you'all just got sucked in to trollsville!
Irregardless of the disclaimer in post (which actually just brings more attention to the fact it is an advertising post}. How many of you clicked on his website listed on his profile?
just joined 11/15/2017
link to his website on profile
He's not asking for how we look for CG's, he just got a free advertising ad for his CG to over 7,000 readers on RVnet forum. This is a very common trick. don't list the link on the post, put the link in the profile and you don't get caught for violating forum rules. :R
And with some 9 million RVs on the road, targeting any national media with only 7000 potential impressions is a total waste of time and effort. 7000 RVers currently in a 100 mile radius, maybe. All spread out across the country, no way. And these forums actually have an international reach, so it is slightly even worse from a marketing point of view for an individual RV park.
Nov-16-2017 07:04 AM
rockhillmanor wrote:He was pretty clear on his purpose. I don't see any hint he was trying to advertise here, he was getting input into where and how to advertise in general. These forums would be the worst place imaginable to advertise a park. In two days this thread is completely forgotten, and so too would any "advertisement". If he has a good park, it would be an advantage to all 7000 members if he can figure out how to get the word out. If it is a bad park, that too will come home to roost and eventually that information would become valuable to that same 7000.I'm not advertising my park or anything, just seeing the best way to market.
And you'all just got sucked in to trollsville!
Irregardless of the disclaimer in post (which actually just brings more attention to the fact it is an advertising post}. How many of you clicked on his website listed on his profile?
just joined 11/15/2017
link to his website on profile
He's not asking for how we look for CG's, he just got a free advertising ad for his CG to over 7,000 readers on RVnet forum. This is a very common trick. don't list the link on the post, put the link in the profile and you don't get caught for violating forum rules. :R