There are necessities to operate your camper and then there are personal necessities that no one but you can figure out. There are lists of things you'll need to operate your camper, then there is food, clothes, bug spray, entertainment, etc are all things you'll figure out after a trip or 2. I can tell you I have 4 can openers and 6 corkscrews because darned if I don't forget one every single time we go camping and have to buy one. After years of camping I still occasionally forget the coffee maker but remember coffee or vice versa. I have a list I check off, sometimes I forget the list and "think" I know what I am doing. But fuel, food, water, food, beer, toiletries, the rest I can get by if I forget. the awesome thing about RVing vs other forms of travel, is that it's easy to take something along just in case. My motto; "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it".