First: If your wife's injury will keep her off work for an extended period of time check into Social Security Disability,, SHE might qualify, I am not an expert and thus can not assist you however I can tell you this. Standard practice is to rubber stamp well over half the initial applications DENIED. This simply is a way to weed out the lazy folks.. You then go on to appeal, usually it takes 2 or 3 of those. Or so experienced folks tell me.
Water: I hope you got a good regulator, not one of those 3/4 Inch cylinder jobs,, I use a ZURIN 3/4 Inch job, used to use a WATTS, the Zurin is adjustable (As was the Watts, which froze and broke, plus it was wore out).
Pressure is set to 50 PSI, and when I turn on a shower... It remains at 50 PSI
The watts went down to, as I recall 20,, but as I said it's old and in need of a rebuild kit, worked much better new.
Sur-Flo went down to 10
Some of those 3/4 inch cylinder jobs. 5 (not good at all).
Put the regulator BEFORE your hose..
Filters: If the Campground is close to home and uses a water supply close enough to your home supply filters are not needed, HOWEVER I have never been that lucky.. So I use a simple activated charcoal filter.. in my case it is a home made consisting of a length of PVC pipes. some reducers and adapters to make garden hoses fit, A pair of drain covers (Stainless or PVC) some filter floss from the Fish isle at the pet store, and some activated charcoal (The basic kind not the anti-algae kind) from teh same isle
Drain cover | Floss | Charcoal granuals | Floss | drain cover
Water flows through the floss, which catches most of the "Crud" (Particulates) then through the charcoal which takes care of a lot of stuff like chemicals, then more floss Catches stray charcoal, then out into the RV.. NOTE; this is the 1st level of filter, Lets fairly good size particulate past but does a fairly good job on taste and odor.
They make some very impressive filters.. Very impressive indeed, Some output near lab quality pure water.
How much filter you need.. Varies but I'd start with the under 20 inline job from your favorite store. NOTE: Most filters restrict water flow. Mine does not.