Forum Discussion
- mowermechExplorerIt is inadvisable to make "general assumptions" about vehicle or camper registration and/or titling.
It has been said that there are 50 states and 51 different sets of laws regarding titling and registration.
Yes, IIRC, there are states where a TC must be titled and registered independent of the truck it is on. In fact, I believe Montana was one such state many years ago. they changed the rules, and it isn't now.
Maybe every state DOES now consider TCs to be cargo. I don't know. - DrewEExplorer II
mowermech wrote:
In some campgrounds it is against the rules to unload a TC and leave it. In the event of an emergency, there is no practical way to move it.
I wonder if theft is really a problem to be concerned about? I have never heard of a TC being stolen, even in states where they have no title or registration (like Montana).
In what states would you need to have registration for a truck camper? Wouldn't it just be considered cargo, and covered by the truck registration? (That would be my general assumption, but I may be wrong.)
I'd think that it would be far more likely to have a truck stolen, with or without a camper, than a truck camper without a truck. Trucks have wheels and can be rolled from place to place. A truck camper is about as hard to make off with as a shed. - mowermechExplorerIn some campgrounds it is against the rules to unload a TC and leave it. In the event of an emergency, there is no practical way to move it.
I wonder if theft is really a problem to be concerned about? I have never heard of a TC being stolen, even in states where they have no title or registration (like Montana). - Turtle_n_PeepsExplorerOwn one like mine. Nobody wants it. :B
- tnrv_erExplorer IIIf you have power jacks you could lower your TC so a PU couldn't get under it then disconnect your battery and lock the battery compartment or take the battery out.
If some really wants it they're gonna get it but if you make it difficult you might deter them. - spoon059Explorer III don't know, I think it would be easier to simply steal a travel trailer than a truck camper. You can simply back up to a trailer hitch, lower it onto your ball, unhook water/electric and drive off. I wouldn't know how to mess with a truck camper, because I've never used any rig like that. A travel trailer is no different than any other trailer (in terms of hooking it up). If you are stealing it, you probably don't really concern yourself with checking tire pressure or using a WDH...
Seems that leaving slides out and awning open would make your RV less ideal to steal. - DiskDoctrExplorerLojack hooked to a mortar? :E
Just kidding (kids do not try this at home) - MKishExplorer IIA TC theft would have to be really really premeditated.
- DutchmenSportExplorerI've never heard of a Truck Camper (or a TT, or a 5er, or a PUP) being stolen while AT a campground while the owner was camping there, but just happen to be gone.
I have heard and read many stories about RV's being broken into AT storage lots, and some even stolen from storage lots. But, in a campground, I don't think I've EVER heard of one being stolen there.
Sometimes they catch fire in campgrounds, but that's a different issue altogether!
Enjoy camping! Remember, with a truck camper, it has to actually fit in the bed of the truck and then be anchored down so it won't slide out when the culprit pulls out at the speed of light trying to get away with the theft. So, the likelihood, especially of truck camper theft, in my opinion, is about .00005 percent! - LwiddisExplorer IIVERY unlikely a thief would be ready to load TC on a truck. Next up would be fifth wheels...unusual to have that hitch mounted in a truck. We TT people are far more likely targets. Lots of folks have a bumper hitch. I have insurance and will not worry.
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