Mar-12-2014 03:31 PM
Mar-20-2014 12:12 PM
CKNSLS wrote:Yes, today's oils are better but are there less combustion byproducts or dirt in the crankcase? I would venture to say, yes, todays engines operate on closer tolerances and there are better materials, machined to a finer product. I'd also say that the difference is not 50%, 30%, or even 20% less contamination of the oil. Today's oils will have less friction over the duration but they don't do that much better of a job removing the products that cause engine wear.handsome51 wrote:
I thought I would add my 2 cents. I will agree that the oil today is way better then it use to be in the 60s and 70s. Back then when a engine had around 75.000 miles on it . You would see it smoking going down the road. Back then you had to change your oil every 2,000 miles if you wanted your engine to last. I am still a fanatic on changing my oil. If I use mineral oil, I change it every 3000 miles. If I use synthetic oil I change it every 5000 miles. I know I could go longer on the synthetic oil. In fact in my diesel I use amsoil heavy duty synthetic diesel and marine oil with the amsoil filter. According to amsoil using this oil and their filer I can go 20.000 miles or 1 year between oil change. As often as I change the oil I could use their cheaper synthetic oil and be just as well off. But this is what I go by besides humans are creatures of habit. Back in the 60s when my dad was changing oil every 2000 miles. He said son, a oil change is the cheapest motor overhaul your ever going to get.I said to myself, he is right.Like I said ,I do go overboard on the oil change intervals . But like my dad said it is the cheapest motor overhaul you are ever going to get. Plus when you do have to work on my engines. When you pull the valve covers or the intake. The block looks like brand new with fresh motor oil poured down it. Their is not sludge.
If you do it (change oil) based on habit-that is one thing. However, you could go longer on both conventional oil and synthetic oil without any issues whatsoever. There are plenty of UOAs over at that PROVES what I just suggested to you. Oils are a entirely different product today than they were when your dad was working on cars.
Mar-20-2014 10:48 AM
handsome51 wrote:
I thought I would add my 2 cents. I will agree that the oil today is way better then it use to be in the 60s and 70s. Back then when a engine had around 75.000 miles on it . You would see it smoking going down the road. Back then you had to change your oil every 2,000 miles if you wanted your engine to last. I am still a fanatic on changing my oil. If I use mineral oil, I change it every 3000 miles. If I use synthetic oil I change it every 5000 miles. I know I could go longer on the synthetic oil. In fact in my diesel I use amsoil heavy duty synthetic diesel and marine oil with the amsoil filter. According to amsoil using this oil and their filer I can go 20.000 miles or 1 year between oil change. As often as I change the oil I could use their cheaper synthetic oil and be just as well off. But this is what I go by besides humans are creatures of habit. Back in the 60s when my dad was changing oil every 2000 miles. He said son, a oil change is the cheapest motor overhaul your ever going to get.I said to myself, he is right.Like I said ,I do go overboard on the oil change intervals . But like my dad said it is the cheapest motor overhaul you are ever going to get. Plus when you do have to work on my engines. When you pull the valve covers or the intake. The block looks like brand new with fresh motor oil poured down it. Their is not sludge.
Mar-20-2014 10:27 AM
Mar-19-2014 09:24 PM
wny_pat wrote:MattINW wrote:
And yet from what I understand in general US oil change recommendations are more frequent than Europe. Makes you wonder...
Yep, But their oil is a higher quality. But I still marvel that VW can get 30,000 miles between oil changes in their little diesel!
Mar-19-2014 09:09 PM
MattINW wrote:
And yet from what I understand in general US oil change recommendations are more frequent than Europe. Makes you wonder...
Mar-17-2014 03:05 PM
Mar-17-2014 01:35 PM
dodge guy wrote:CKNSLS wrote:dodge guy wrote:
Wow! You guys must own an oil analysis company. No I don't bother with an oil analysis because I maintain my vehicles on a regular basis. It takes 10 minutes and $15-50 (depending on amount and brand). Well worth it to know my vehicles will last a very long time!
And unless you see first hand what an extended oil change interval can do you don't know! I've seen failures from Hondas to Mercedes Benzes because of people that think 7k and up miles oil changes are all that is required! If you go by the schedule/OLM or even an oil analysis you're playing with fire and it's only a matter of time before you have issues. Sometimes you get lucky!
Your mistaken-motors don't fail due to an oil related issue. Hardly ever! The manufacturers have spent alot of research on their OLMs. Again-OLMs have been checked by UOAs and have been determined to be accurate.
You sir-don't know what your talking about.
I think some people need to research the various manuf. that have changed oil change intervals and updated the OLM in the computers. if they new so much there wouldn`t be any need to update the intervals!
I`m done here. not arguing with people that haven`t seen first hand what damage can be done by extended oil changes!:R
Mar-17-2014 11:21 AM
CKNSLS wrote:dodge guy wrote:
Wow! You guys must own an oil analysis company. No I don't bother with an oil analysis because I maintain my vehicles on a regular basis. It takes 10 minutes and $15-50 (depending on amount and brand). Well worth it to know my vehicles will last a very long time!
And unless you see first hand what an extended oil change interval can do you don't know! I've seen failures from Hondas to Mercedes Benzes because of people that think 7k and up miles oil changes are all that is required! If you go by the schedule/OLM or even an oil analysis you're playing with fire and it's only a matter of time before you have issues. Sometimes you get lucky!
Your mistaken-motors don't fail due to an oil related issue. Hardly ever! The manufacturers have spent alot of research on their OLMs. Again-OLMs have been checked by UOAs and have been determined to be accurate.
You sir-don't know what your talking about.
Mar-17-2014 08:50 AM
dodge guy wrote:
Wow! You guys must own an oil analysis company. No I don't bother with an oil analysis because I maintain my vehicles on a regular basis. It takes 10 minutes and $15-50 (depending on amount and brand). Well worth it to know my vehicles will last a very long time!
And unless you see first hand what an extended oil change interval can do you don't know! I've seen failures from Hondas to Mercedes Benzes because of people that think 7k and up miles oil changes are all that is required! If you go by the schedule/OLM or even an oil analysis you're playing with fire and it's only a matter of time before you have issues. Sometimes you get lucky!
Mar-17-2014 06:28 AM
Mar-17-2014 06:10 AM
No I don't bother with an oil analysis
Mar-17-2014 04:24 AM
Mar-16-2014 08:44 PM
dodge guy wrote:
3-4k mile oil change intetvals are the best preventative maintanance! I would never recomend 7k+ mile oil changes to anyone, regardless of what an oil analysis says! I've seen far to many engine problems related to extended oil changes or following what the manuf. recomends or what a programmed oil life monitor tells you! It's cheap insurance to change the oil and the life of the motor is extended far beyond what the manuf. expects out of one following there schedule. The manuf. likes to sell you a car that requires minimal to zero maint to make ownership look less costly. All they care about is getting the vehicle through the warranty period, after that any repairs are on the owner!
Mar-16-2014 08:43 PM
dodge guy wrote:
3-4k mile oil change intetvals are the best preventative maintanance! I would never recomend 7k+ mile oil changes to anyone, regardless of what an oil analysis says! I've seen far to many engine problems related to extended oil changes or following what the manuf. recomends or what a programmed oil life monitor tells you! It's cheap insurance to change the oil and the life of the motor is extended far beyond what the manuf. expects out of one following there schedule. The manuf. likes to sell you a car that requires minimal to zero maint to make ownership look less costly. All they care about is getting the vehicle through the warranty period, after that any repairs are on the owner!