Bull Rider wrote:
Just to give you a little more information. We have been traveling the last three months all across the country, and we have changed our local programs with Dish fifteen times so far on this trip. I don't get out and set up the Dish at every stop, but if we're going to be in one spot for more than one night, then I go through the process.
Sometimes, if we haven't moved very far, we won't update the locals. When we moved from Saint Augustine to Savannah we didn't need to make the change.
It's a quick phone call to Dish, and they send the change to our receiver.
Every time we change our locals, I have to go into the program guide and reselect our programs. If I don't, then our favorite programs won't be recorded.
When we get home, the receiver goes back into the house.
Hope this helps.
I have read that Dish will do this but you have to reach a RV rep to get this. Is that the case? Thanks