We usually hit LakeWood in the late SEP early OCT time frame. Have family that lives there at LAKEWOOD so we all try to make it down for mini family reunion once a year.
We either stay in one of their VILLAs on the Lake or I bring along my OFF-ROAD POPUP. I usually get loaded down with the small sand ants in our trailer and when we leave I transport them to Gatlinburg on our long way back home to Virginia... All camping roads go thru Gatlinburg TN you know...No telling how many small sand ants I have transferred to the TN Smoky mtns...
We always have fun down there... Lakewood has one of the best camp stores around... Really good ICE CREAM there in their snack bar...
Check out Huntington Beach State Park and Myrtle Beach State Park when you are down there - Huntington Beach is a great camp ground with great access to the beach...