Can't give you any travel tips given we are on the w. coast... BUT... We also travel with two dogs (a boxer and a schnauzer mix).
Do yourself a favor and get 1 or 2 of these.
Precision Dog Exercise Pens They fold up flat (easy to transport), and easily connect together. We use heavy duty snaps to connect them quick, and cut up swimming pool noodles to stabilize the top joints. We have indoor/outdoor carpet under half and try to leave half on gravel/grass. We have bought landscapers shade cloth to shade half. Also very easy to attach.
Our dogs LOVE the freedom - they wrestle in there.. sun bathe..etc. We don't
ever leave them out there unattended...only when we are at the TT relaxing. It's a win win on so many levels. They are also safe from the occasional unexpected dog(s) running into camp that may have aggression issues. We have their travel crates in there with the doors open and they are happy little campers. Can't tell you how much it helps when setting up or breaking camp to have them in a secure place while we do our thing. They can see us...and we can see them.