already replied to your personal message, but here the copy of that.
Filled your data in my motorhomeRV tirepressure calculator.
Gave Front 39 psi/2.7 bar and rear 46 psi/3.2 bar.
Edit: read wrong maximum load of tire , corrected in my next reaction. Front 48 psi rear 57 psi .Used front 5% reserve to GAWR because front seldomly overloaded.
And rear even 18 % reserve to GAWR because rear often overloaded.
This makes if extact GAWR and equally devided R/L the load to be 85% of the load the pressure is calculated for , wich then would give still acceptable comfort and gripp.
You can drive up to that 170 km/106M?/h( speedrated R) fully loaded with trailer behind so higher is not needed.
And calculated with my extra save formula that takes care of the same deflection of tire over the whole range of pressure/loadcapacity.
If you drive empty you can use 39 all around or mayby even lower.
The GAWR's together 7350 wich is 1150 lbs more then GVWR of 6900 lbs.
This large difference is probably tipically American to cover the 10 to 15% on towbar , In Europe its mostly only about 500lbs because here towbarweight must be between 1% and 10% and is mostly a poor 5%.
Or mayby its possible to upgrade GVWR to 3100kg/6900 lbs.
For the trailer in your next reaction I have to know the tire data.
Mind ST is for only up to 65m/h but lately made complicated list.
See next topic for that on RV forum.
comparing tires for replacement on Trailers with in last reaction about the spreadsheet to make lists .Greatings from a Dutch pigheaded self declared tire-pressure specialist