Forum Discussion

mustang1068's avatar
Mar 15, 2014

Trailer Storage

Any good resources for finding places to store trailer? Buying my first TT, delivery next month. Biggest issue so far is finding a place to store it (only 72 hrs on my street according to HOA). Called all the local places with price ranges all over the map and most having no availability. Hope to eventually find a private land owner that wants to make a few extra bucks a month.
  • NYCgrrl wrote:
    Bill & Kate wrote:
    We have no room on our property, and the town limits how long a trailer can be parked on the street to 72 hours also. We found a self storage place about 10 miles away that has room on nice level cement pads for about $50/month. It is fenced, lighted, has video cameras everywhere, and is totaling fenced in with a pass key operated gate. It is not as handy as having it at home, but you do what you have to do ....

    $50/monthly?!? In Jersey???????
    Well hecekenspeck I need to look for RV parking in a completely different area!

    Well, very south Jersey - Guardian Self Storage near Tuckahoe, NJ
  • Another less used option is your local Elks Lodge. Ours has room for about 15 units and is the cheapest around. It takes about a year to get a spot and then it's yours as long as you want. You do have to join, but yearly membership and storage fees are still cheaper than most places.

    Even though some think an Elks lodge is for old folks, we joined and are involved in the lodge for some things, but we are now eligible for discounted camping at any of their lodges nation wide. They even have an RV guide that tells you about the parking at each lodge, the price and how many spots.

    They're not always where we want to be, have what we would want to stay in or are available when you need it, but many have worked out nicely on long trips (overnight stops) and will have anywhere from 20 amps to 50 amps with full hookups for $10-$15. You can also bring a guest (another rig) with you.
  • Maybe try local campgrounds. Ramblin' Pines in Woodbine has storage. Candy Hill also but that's in Winchester
  • Bill & Kate wrote:
    We have no room on our property, and the town limits how long a trailer can be parked on the street to 72 hours also. We found a self storage place about 10 miles away that has room on nice level cement pads for about $50/month. It is fenced, lighted, has video cameras everywhere, and is totaling fenced in with a pass key operated gate. It is not as handy as having it at home, but you do what you have to do ....

    $50/monthly?!? In Jersey???????
    Well hecekenspeck I need to look for RV parking in a completely different area!
  • We have no room on our property, and the town limits how long a trailer can be parked on the street to 72 hours also. We found a self storage place about 10 miles away that has room on nice level cement pads for about $50/month. It is fenced, lighted, has video cameras everywhere, and is totaling fenced in with a pass key operated gate. It is not as handy as having it at home, but you do what you have to do ....
  • Yup, local farmer is the best bet. We have stored truck and trailer in a tractor shed 12 miles from home for over ten years. Off the main road, inside & out of sight, and we have access 24/7.
  • Our truck & trailer live on a farm, indoors, for 7 months a year. Fantastic. Steel building. Concrete floor. Shared space with a few other RVs & boats. Found it in the local classifieds.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Don't rule our local farms in your search... I know of a couple around here stored at a local farm inside their hugh barn...

    Roy Ken
  • Would your HOA allow you to build a structure in your backyard to store your trailer...assuming of course your back can be accessed by car?
    In my general area I'm perusing websites like to identify neighborhoods with an older population who don't necessarily need an existing 2 or 3 car garage anymore. CraigsList and local penny market ads are useful as well.

    GL with your search and congratulations on your new purchase.