I got lucky and found two big panels for $50 each on craigslist and then added the controller and cords for a total of a bit under $200 to run one of them. I can spend $140 for a second controller and cords for the other panel but I just don't need the power.
This is a work up I did last week for the 100w set up for $200
100w for $200Now the easiest way to get to 200 watt is going to be to double this. You could hinge the panels if you want or leave them separate for easier carrying. You would need to get a set of Y connectors and the next step up in controller.
West is right that is a good shop, The only thing I would worry about is the shipping to Maine. I checked the shipping to Portland and you are looking at $158 for a 235w panel and $98 shipping. Still doable with the $100 controller and cords for $400
I did check the craigslist for Maine and found a 245w panel for $233. Sounds pricy but with no taxes or delivery it would save you over the above panel and shipping.
245w panel To that I would add the same solar cables as the 100w kits and this controller.
Eco-worthy 20a MPPT controllerThis the controller I use with my 230w panel. Not the fanciest but it does the job well.
So those are the basic components and you wouldn't need much more than a screw driver to put it together. You will have to create the run from the controller which I can't do for you because I don't know where you are putting the controller. Tell us the distance to the battery (shorter is better) and we can help you with wire size etc.
I use a pair of pine slates the length of the short side and a couple of c-clamps to hold my panel up. That way it is easy to adjust and they come off for travel or when I lay it flat on some logs for ventilation.
As with the 100w kit I didn't spend a long time looking this up. There mey be shops nearer to you that would do a better price on the panel or cheaper delivery.
Last thing with the big panel is to look at the weight and size. I'm a big boy and have no issues moving one around but it still takes two of us to get it in and out of the trailer. We put ours on the bed, in the walkway or on the roof of the SUV for travel. Just something to think about.